What are Scalar Fields?

You may not have heard of Scalar fields, but they are well known in astrophysics, geology, and hydrodynamics.

A Scalar field is known as a fifth-dimensional non-linear field. Scalar fields exist out of relative time and space, thus they do not decay over time or distance from their source. They are unbounded and capable of passing through solid matter.

The human body has crystalline structures in every cell wall that are capable of holding a charge. When the human body enters a Scalar field the electro magnetic field of the individual becomes excited. EESystem uses Scalar technology to return the body to a more original and appropriate electrical matrix.

The EESystem has been clinically studied by multiple 3rd party individuals. These studies have provided evidence of the potential of bio scalar energy to boost human cell regeneration, immune functions, and neurotransmitter functions. It can help eliminate and nullify effects of disruptive frequencies in the body while optimizing cellular energy levels to 70-90 millivolts.

This means that EESystem can significantly increase your energy, mental clarity, enhanced health, and overall well-being.

What will I experience?

The EESystem can help you achieve your maximum potential by recharging your energy. Imagine what this can do for you! We’ve put together a sample of users experiences after trying the EESystem. Remember, every individual experience is different.

Feelings of Calmness, Harmony, Zen, Oneness, Peace, Relaxation

Natural Healing & Rejuvenation

Sense of Increased Energy

Relief from Depression

More Emotionally Clear & Free

Rapid Post Surgical Healing

Improved Inner Direction

Less Attachment to Past Traumas

Being more Present

Better Response to Stressors


Peak Performance

Better Mental Health

Relief from Severe Pain

Living in the Now

Improved Existentially

Improved Blood Profiles

Mental Flexibility/Charity

Improved Spontaneity

Improved Time Competency

Living more Authentically

Improved Self-Acceptance

Sense of Self-Awareness

Super Learning States

Self-Confidence & Self-Love

Improved Immune Function

Pain Relief & Detoxification

Enhanced Energy &

Mood Balance

Mental Clarity &

Cognitive Support


Jack Schulman

Computer Scientist and Physicist


In thirty years I have never seen anything running on computers that will provide beneficial side effects. However, after looking at the EESystem technology for over one year, there are no flaws or deception of any type.


There appears to be some form of inter-dimensional or high super scalar energy being generated, which when a person sits in a room with the EESystem technology running, their entire life force improves.

When we looked at water, after it had been charged in the EESystem room, it fundamental nature had changed. It’s permeability index increased and the surface tension decreased. Food energized by this technology will be treated by the body as more absorbable.


When we processed the hydrologist test, we found that something very interesting was happening to the hydrogen atom in the water. The energy covalent level of each hydrogen atom had increased when measured by our spectrographs. In fact the hydrogen was exhibiting some of the characteristics of heavy hydrogen, although the aspects were very positive.

After I personally sat in an EESystem room, I felt very revitalized, refreshed, invigorated and relaxed.